Why did I come up with this new concept, a luxurious natural silk T-shirt ?
Posted on July 20 2018

I remember myself always searching for the best t-shirts, I was looking for the very soft ones, with the highest quality cotton, that I will eventually end up wearing as pajamas. I used to keep the ones I love for years, then later I’d sleep in them, and from so much washing they became softer and softer, but they had a few holes in them yet that didn’t keep me from still wearing them. So this T-shirt is the most wanted piece in our wardrobe, we have T-shirts that go with jeans, others with skirts, but this t-shirt fits any style outfit.
So as I started my business and I created clothing it just occurred to me how much I wanted that one t-shirt I’ve never found.
I started to combine different fabrics, different patterns until something clicked ... my vision just became reality and the new T-shirt was born.
It’s not just any T-shirt, it’s a very luxurious one, made out of natural silk and the best quality cotton, on top of this, the fabric is custom made, having one of my paintings as its pattern.
All this combined results in the T-shirt I wanted, the one that can be worn from a romantic dinner all the way to a good piece for the tuvedo on the Red Carpet.
Yes, I am very proud of my creation, I combined high fashion with art and this piece of garment that all of us love is now here to make you cool, glamorous, and comfortable.